In order to be considered for our apprenticeship programs, candidates must complete pre-qualification testing, which must be completed at the successful level before applying for an open apprenticeship position.
The NJATC testing exam, also known as the electrical aptitude test is offered by various electrical training sites and may also be available from your local International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) union hall. The test consists of two parts:
Required scores vary by the craft and location of the position (see table below). NJATC tests can retaken every 91 days in order to allow applicants the test scores they would like to achieve for their desired program/trade.
Utah and Idaho Job Openings (IBEW Local 57) |
Apprenticeship Craft: |
NJATC Exam Score: |
Lineman |
5 |
Estimator |
5 |
Meter Technician |
5 |
Substation Journeyman |
5 |
Washington, Oregon & Northern California Job Openings (IBEW Local 125 & 659, and UWUA Local 197) |
Apprenticeship Craft: |
NJATC Exam Score: |
Lineman |
5 |
Estimator |
6 |
Meter Technician |
7 |
Wyoming Job Openings (UWUA Local 127) |
Apprenticeship Craft: |
NJATC Exam Score: |
Lineman |
4 |
Estimator |
4 |
Meter Technician |
6 |
Wireman |
5 |
Eastern Idaho Electrical JATC
IBEW Local 57 |
Northwest Line Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee |
Rocky Mountain Power
8450 S. 5th Ave.
3400 W 2100 So., Ste B |
1705 SE 17th Battle Ground, WA 98604 |
2840 E. Yellowstone, Hwy
(208) 232-4300 |
(801) 270-5757 |
360-816-7100 |
(307) 261-7006
Call to schedule testing |
Call to schedule testing |
See website, class schedule for testing |
Call to schedule testing |
In order to prepare for the NJATC test, candidates are encouraged to visit the following resources websites:
In addition to NJATC exams, in our central and southern Oregon and northern California IBEW Local 659 apprentice openings permit the NJATC exams or the ACT Work Keys exams. This test can be taken rather than the NJACT exams noted above. These three modules Applied Math, Workplace Documents and Graphic Literacy can be taken at Oregon Work Source Centers at no cost. Visit and select “Search Test Locations” to find additional testing centers. In addition to testing locations, visit the ACT website for more information and practice tests. The minimum score in each of the modules is:
Apprenticeship Craft: |
Work Keys Applied Math |
Work Keys Workplace Documents |
Work Keys Graphic Literacy |
Lineman |
5 |
4 |
4 |
Meter Technician |
5 |
4 |
4 |
Estimator |
5 |
4 |
4 |