Air quality

PacifiCorp employs innovative air quality initiatives to reduce its environmental impacts. With our primary focus on reducing or avoiding emissions altogether, we continuously develop and implement strategies to improve our emissions performance.

Strict compliance with all air-related regulations is a minimum requirement, and we strive to further minimize the impact we have on air quality.

Our coal-fired plants burn some of the cleanest, lowest-sulfur coal in the nation. PacifiCorp coal plants' average emissions rate is below the national average.

To further reduce regulated emissions from its existing thermal units, PacifiCorp, in partnership with other Berkshire Hathaway Energy businesses, is making significant investments to improve air quality, including: 

  • Installing pollution controls.
  • Converting coal-fired units to natural gas.
  • Retiring coal plants early. 
  • Investing in renewable energy.
  • Supporting development and demonstration of new control equipment and generating technologies to reduce or capture emissions of carbon dioxide.