
PacifiCorp owns and operates one of the largest privately held transmission systems in the nation.

With 17,500 line miles of high-voltage transmission spanning 10 states and a range of climate zones, we’re uniquely able to serve our customers with the diverse and abundant natural resources the West can offer.

Advancing grid reliability and resilience

Transmission expansion

PacifiCorp is expanding the transmission system in the West through Energy Gateway and other projects. 

Transmission services

PacifiCorp’s transmission system is managed by Pacific Power and markets transmission services using an Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS). 

Western grid coordination

PacifiCorp operates its grid within the Energy Imbalance Market. To further benefit customers, the company is working with the California ISO to join the Extended Day-Ahead Market planned for 2026. 

PacifiCorp is committed to providing non-discriminatory, open-access transmission service. Review standards of conduct »

Transmission system details


Transmission construction projects

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Western energy market

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