Financial and regulatory information

Financial information


PacifiCorp preferred stock

PacifiCorp preferred stock is quoted on the Over the Counter Markets. For specific account information, registered PacifiCorp Preferred shareholders may contact PacifiCorp's transfer agent, Computershare, toll free at 1-866-486-6472.

PacifiCorp common stock

All of PacifiCorp's common stock is currently owned by Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company. The shares were purchased on March 21, 2006 from ScottishPower. At that time, all ScottishPower ADS shareholders remained shareholders of ScottishPower. Subsequently shares were purchased by Iberdrola Renewables. Their transfer agent, JPMorgan, can be reached at 1-866-726-8237.

Financial reports

Visit the Financial Filings page to access PacifiCorp's U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission reports.

Visit the Regulatory Filings page to access PacifiCorp’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission reports.

See information on wildfire litigation.

Contact information

Income tax: 

Property, sales and miscellaneous taxes:

SEC and FERC Form 1 reporting:

PacifiCorp shareholder questions:

Accounts payable:

Other finance related questions:

Regulatory information

PacifiCorp is regulated by state commissions and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).


Visit our utility sites to get approved tariffs and filings for your state:

Pacific Power 

Rocky Mountain Power


PacifiCorp’s wholesale and transmission business is regulated by FERC since our operations cross state lines. 

Visit the FERC website