Gateway Central

Energy use is on the rise and electrical demand is fast approaching the limits of the existing transmission system. This growth in demand for electrical energy comes from both new and existing customers. Additionally, customer and legislative changes are driving a need for increased development of renewable resources as part of the resource mix. To meet the increasing demand, new facilities are needed.

The first major segment of our Energy Gateway Transmission Expansion – Populus to Terminal – was placed into service in November 2010. The second major line segment – Mona to Oquirrh – was placed into service in May 2013. 

Segment in progress

Limber to Terminal (Transmission Expansion Segment C)

The PacifiCorp Transmission Expansion – Segment C  – is a part of the Energy Gateway Program and is a key component to advance the goals of building resiliency, reliability and clean energy access in the Western energy grid. As part of the larger Energy Gateway Program, this transmission expansion will consist of building a new Limber 500/345/138-kilovolt substation, a new 40-mile double circuit 345 kV Limber-Terminal Line, a new 12-mile Single Circuit 138 kV Limber-Tooele Line, and essential upgrades to the existing Oquirrh, Terminal, Tooele and Clover substations. It will also tie the existing Clover-Oquirrh 345 kV line into Limber and upgrade portions of it to 500 kV, enhancing the stability and dependability of the energy grid. 

Limber to Terminal Notice of Intent

Limber to Terminal Purpose and Need

Limber to Terminal Map

Limber to Terminal Vicinity Map (subject to change)

Project timeline

  • Design & engineeringFebruary 2023 – 2027
  • Project surveying: Q2 2024 –Q4 2025
  • Right of entry & Right of Way: Q2 2024 – Q1 2028
  • Local/State Permitting: Q1 2027 – Q4 2028
  • Construction: Q1 2028 – Q4 2030
  • Completed/In-Service: November 2030

More information

Requests for additional information on the Limber to Terminal project may be directed to: 

Please include your request, along with your contact information and preferred contact method.  

Completed segments

(Updated September 2023)