Park City to Judge wildfire mitigation project

As part of our commitment to providing safe and reliable energy to our customers, Rocky Mountain Power is converting overhead distribution lines to underground distribution lines from Park City to Judge Substation to mitigate wildfire risk in Park City and Summit County.

Rock Mountain Power’s Wildland Fire Protection Plan

In June 2020, Rocky Mountain Power filed its first Wildland Fire Protection Plan with the Utah Public Service Commission, which approved the plan in October 2020. Since that time, Rocky Mountain Power has completed hundreds of wildfire mitigation projects and submitted an updated plan to the Utah Public Service Commission in February 2024 regarding plans for wildfire mitigation work over the next three years. The plan represents the response here in Utah to increased wildfire risk in the Western U.S.

Rocky Mountain Power has closely followed the actions taken by other regional utilities and has designed its response to meet Utah’s specific wildfire risk profile.

The plan identifies fire high consequence areas, or places where a higher likelihood of wildfires exists near population centers. It proposes increased environmental monitoring systems in those areas, including soil moisture monitors, enhanced vegetation management, more frequent inspections, new operational practices and extensive system hardening. System hardening measures take various forms, including installing non-combustion fuses, covered distribution lines, steel poles, fire-resistant pole wraps or coatings for wood poles, undergrounding lines and, in certain cases, the complete reconstruction of a given line.

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