The Swift Reservoir Fish Facility has four main parts:
- Floating Surface Collector
- Net system
- Mooring tower
- Access trestle
How does the project work?
Juvenile fish, the offspring of the salmon and steelhead that spawned upstream, will come downstream through the reservoir as they migrate to the ocean.
Given the attraction to downstream current, the juvenile fish will move towards the Floating Surface Collector which re-circulates water to simulate a lake outlet. The net system and the Floating Surface Collector will attract these fish, which are typically 3 - 6 inches long at this stage in life, into a collection area. The fish are collected and gently transported from the facility on specially design trucks via the access trestle. The juvenile fish are then trucked around the dams and released downstream of Merwin to continue their journey to the sea.
The Floating Surface Collector will be located just off the south end of the Swift dam, anchored by the mooring tower and connected to the dam by an access trestle. The mooring tower and access trestle are supported on piles, and the Floating Surface Collector rises and falls with the reservoir level.
Swift Reservoir Fish Facility Fact Sheet