Lewis River aquatic fund applications, annual reports and close-out reports

PacifiCorp and Cowlitz PUD established the Lewis River Aquatics Fund in 2006 to support resource protection measures in the North Fork Lewis River. Since that date the utilities have contributed $3.1 million to this effort. Resource projects may include:

  • Projects that enhance and improve wetlands, riparian, and riverine habitats.
  • Projects that enhance and improve riparian and aquatic species connectivity that may be affected by the continued operation of the projects.
  • Projects that increase the probability for a successful reintroduction program. 

2024/2025 Application Documents

Reference Documents


Photo courtesy of Al Solonsky, National Geographic - 2014 Photo courtesy of Al Solonsky, National Geographic - 2014


Erik Lesko
Aquatic Team Manager
825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 1800
Portland, OR 97232
(503) 412-8401