ACC & TCC meeting schedule
The ACC and TCC meetings are open to the public, however, some agenda items are confidential and not open to the public. Meeting dates, locations, and times are subject to change, so please notify the Lewis River Project Coordinator that you will be attending at least eight business days prior to attending. All agenda items and handouts to be distributed to the ACC and/or TCC members must be submitted to PacifiCorp ten days prior to the meeting.
Time will be provided at each meeting for public comment as needed and determined by respective Coordination Committees (e.g., 15 minutes before the lunch break and 15 minutes at the conclusion of the meeting).
Terrestrial and Aquatic Coordination Committees Structure and Ground Rules - March 2024
Terrestrial and Aquatic Coordination Committees Record of Decisions
Record of Decisions (2020-2024)
Final Decision Templates
2023 - Revisions to Terrestrial and Aquatic Structure and Ground Rules
2023 - Elements of Lewis River Fish Passage
2023 - NFL Coho and Steelhead Transition Plan
2022 - Fish passage subcommittee charter
2021 - Fish passage subcommittee creation
2020 - Merwin In-Lieu Strategic Plan, Implementation Monitoring Plan
2020 - Modification of existing rainbow trout planting in Swift Reservoir